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Carscara, Rhamnus purshiana (Cascara Buckthorn, Cascara, Cascara Sagrada, Rhamni Purshianae cortex and Rhamnus, Bearberry, and in the Chinook Jargon, Chittam or Chitticum; syn. Frangula purshiana, Rhamnus purshianus) is a species of buckthorn native to western North America from southern British Columbia south to central California, and inland to western Montana.
Cascara sagrada has a long history of traditional use by native americans. Cascara sagrada contains compounds called anthroquinones, which are responsible for cascara's powerful laxative effects. Anthraquinones trigger contractions in the colon, called peristalsis, which causes the urge to have a bowel movement. Today, it is one of the most common herbal laxatives.
1) Be useful for treating heart diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
2) Can interfere with cancer cell growth and proliferation, as well as induce apoptosis.
3) Be active against HIV by inhibiting virus expression and replication.
4) Accelerating healing of injured skin.
1) Medicine
2) Flavoring agent
3) Sunscreens
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