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Cat’s Claw Extract is brown powder, made from the vine of the Cat’s Claw, and it is also called uncaria tomentosa extract. The main active ingredient of cat’s claw extract is alkaloids. Cat’s claw extract powder has to be sealed in a cool, dry, and dark place. Cat’s claw extract powder is offered directly from the factory. Please contact us or just send an inquiry to get the free sample and discuss the purchase process and shipping details.
Product Name
Cat's Claw Extract
Brown Powder
1%-10% Alkaloids
Test Method
100% Natural Raw Material
Health Care Grade
1. Immune booster
2. Anti-inflammatory
3. Antioxidant
4. Digestive health
5. Antiviral and antibacterial
1. Nutraceuticals
2. Traditional medicine
3. Skincare
4. Complementary therapies
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