Chinese Atractylodes Extract
  • Chinese Atractylodes Extract
  • Chinese Atractylodes Extract

Chinese Atractylodes Extract 10:1 TLC

Third Party Testing Report
  • Brand: JHD Corp
Ship From Warehouse In Stock Lead Time
China Inventory MOQ: 1kg
US/CA/EU Inventory MOQ: 25KG

Atractylodes macrocephala can dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen and has a specific effect on symptoms such as diarrhea, body edema, and loss of appetite. Atractylodes macrocephala dispels dampness and strengthens the spleen and stomach, and can also improve symptoms such as diarrhea, body edema, and edema. Because Atractylodes macrocephala has the effect of fixing the surface and stopping sweating, people with spleen deficiency often sweat, and their bodies will become weaker. At this time, you can take some Atractylodes macrocephala appropriately, which can effectively alleviate their own symptoms of spontaneous sweating. If white vinegar is decocted with traditional Chinese medicine such as Astragalus membranaceus and Fangfeng, it can tonify the spleen, benefit the lung, dispel wind, and disperse evil.


1) Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae extract has the function of spleen dampness, abdominal distension, diarrhea, edema, rheumatism, and night blindness.
2) Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae extract has the function to dispel internal dampness, strengthen the spleen, remove wind, and disperse cold, brightening eyes.
3) Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae extract has the function for Children drooling, and Meniere's disease.
4) White atractylodes extract has the function forConstipation, Chronic back pain.
5) Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae extract has the function for acute infection of the intestine, Low white cell count.


1) Health supplement.
2) Food supplement.

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