Gentian Root Extract
  • Gentian Root Extract
  • Gentian Root Extract

Gentian Root Extract

Third Party Testing Report
  • Brand: JHD Corp
Ship From Warehouse In Stock Lead Time
China Inventory MOQ: 1kg
US/CA/EU Inventory MOQ: 25KG

Gastrodia extract is a pharmaceutical health product, beverage, and food additive. The dried tuber of Gastrodia elata Blume. Tianma (scientific name: Gastrodia elataBl.), also known as Red Arrow, Dokshak Chi, Leaving Mother, Hopping Leaving Grass, Divine Grass, Ghost Dude, Mu Pu, Ming Tianma, Dingfeng Grass, White Dragon Skin, etc., is a perennial herb in the genus Tianma of the Orchidaceae. The rhizome is thick, without green leaves, and the capsule is obovate-elliptic, often propagated by tubers or seeds. The rhizome is used to treat dizziness, numbness of the limbs, pediatric shock, and other diseases, is a valuable Chinese medicine, and Qiongzhen Lingzhi is used in combination to treat headaches and insomnia.


1) Helps improve digestive, liver, and gallbladder function.
2) Helps fight oxidative stress and chronic disease.
3) Can help lower inflammation and pain.
4) Helps treat wounds and infections (including sinus infections).
5) Supports the nervous system.


1) Applied in the pharmaceutical field.
2) Applied in food supplements.

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