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Nutritional value of Goji Berries
Goji berry is a rich source of nutrients and amino acids. It contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals and several vitamins and minerals. It has six times more amino acids than bee pollen, 500 times more Vitamin C by weight than oranges, more iron than spinach, and more Beta carotene than carrots. Goji berry contains minerals like Calcium and Magnesium, and Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and Vitamin E, normally found in grains and seeds and rarely in fruits. In addition, these berries contain many complex compounds and phytonutrients. High levels of protein content (13% of these berries are protein - higher than whole wheat), and antioxidants are other nutrient highlights. In addition, Goji berries contain Beta-sitosterol, Betaine, and essential fatty acids. With all this nutrition packed into it, it is small wonder that these berries have a great medicinal and health value.
Benefits of Goji Berries
Goji berries have been used in traditional systems of medicine to treat various conditions like anemia, cough and inflammation. It has also been used for improving the immune system, protection of the liver, and improving eyesight. Apart from the curative properties, Goji berry is believed to have a positive effect on the health and wellness of those consuming it, and benefits the user with longevity, increased vitality and sexual prowess.
Goji berries, treasured for longevity, anti aging and energy properties, became the focus of intense medical research when scientists discovered these fruits contained an abundance of constituents that promote health wellness. Goji Berries are amazing super foods. One or two handfuls can give you more nutritional value than any other food on earth. Goji berries have also been found to have extremely high levels of immune system stimulating polysaccharides, along with an astonishing 13 -16% protein by weight. They are also a rich source of both selenium and germanium.
Our all natural, sun dried goji berries, which are never processed or artificially sweetened, are packed with 18 amino acids and 27 trace minerals. You won't find a healthier or more delicious treat.
2. 强效抗氧化,延长寿命,提高记忆力。
4. 帮助血压正常化,平衡血糖。
6. 降低胆固醇,有助于减肥。
8. 补肝、明目、补肾、强筋骨。
9. 缓解失眠、头痛,减轻焦虑和压力。
10. Happy Berry 以促进快乐和提振精神而著称。
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