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Acerola is a small tree that grows in dry areas of the Caribbean and Central and South America. Now it is widely grown in Hainan Island China. Traditionally, its fruit has been used to treat diarrhea, arthritis, fevers, and kidney, heart, and liver problems. Acerola contains 10-50 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges. Other important substances found in acerola include bioflavonoids, magnesium, pantothenic acid, and vitamin A.
1. Antioxidant.
2. Reducing blood sugar and treat skin discoloration.
3. Boosting production of collagen and elastin, increasing the ability of skin to retain moisture.
4. Help diarrhea, dysentery, and liver issues, as well as combat free radicals and strengthen the immune system.
1. Food and Beverages
2. Health Products
3. Cosmetics and Skin Care Products
4. Pharmaceuticals
5. Nutritional Supplements
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