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The Asparagus extract is extracted from the fresh Asparagus stem by pure water. The extracted water move through the enrichment and the spray drying and some other procedures. Then, it finally gets the powder. Our product is pure natural with no additives and gets a good and fast solubility in water. This product is widely used in Health & Fitness food, beverage and pharmaceutical industry.
The Asparagus extract is extracted from the fresh Asparagus stem by pure water. The extracted water move through the enrichment and the spray drying and some other procedures. Then, it finally gets the powder. Our product is pure natural with no additives and gets a good and fast solubility in water. This product is widely used in Health & Fitness food, beverage and pharmaceutical industry.
1, Improve the immunity of the body;
2, Anticancer and prevent cancer;
3, Lower the blood lipid and the blood sugar;
3, Relief the fatigue feeling, delay the aging and own a beauty function.
4, Show the ability in diuresis and weight loss;
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