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The edible parts of parsley are mainly fresh leaves and petioles. Not only is it fragrant and rich, it is also nutritious. Both the fruit and leaves of parsley contain volatile essential oils that can be extracted by distillation. Parsley essential oil contains flavonoids, which are diuretic and antiseptic. Chewing its leaves eliminates bad breath and is a natural deodorant.
1. Chinese and German herbologists recommend parsley tea to help control high blood pressure.
2. Cherokees used it as a tonic to strengthen the bladder.
3. It is often used as an emmenagogue.
4. Parsley also appears to increase diuresis by inhibiting the Na+/K+-ATPase pump in the kidney, thereby enhancing sodium and water excretion while increasing potassium re absorption. It is also valued as an aquaretic.
5. Parsley appears to enhance the body's absorption of manganese, which is important to help build bone. The absorption appears to be especially enhanced when parsley is eaten in conjunction with copper and zinc rich foods such as shellfish and organically grown whole grains.
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