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Phyllanthus emblica, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a plant widely used in traditional medicine. Its extract is rich in various bioactive ingredients, mainly including vitamin C, tannic acid, flavonoids, etc., and has various health benefits.
Phyllanthus emblica, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a plant widely used in traditional medicine. Its extract is rich in various bioactive ingredients, mainly including vitamin C, tannic acid, flavonoids, etc., and has various health benefits.
1. Antioxidant
2. Enhance immunity
3. Promote digestion
4. Anti-inflammatory effect
5. Protect liver
6. Beauty and skin care
7. Regulate blood sugar
1. Nutritional supplements
2. Traditional medicine
3. Skin care products
4. Food additives
5. Drug development
6. Health drinks
7. Beauty industry
8. Agricultural applications
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