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Fenugreek Seed Extract, it can soothing sore throat pain and coughs, and easing minor indigestion and diarrhea.
Modern scientific research has confirmed that Fenugreek contains the chemicals diosgenin and isoflavones, very similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. It's properties mimic the effect of estrogen in the female body. This herb provides a mastogenic effect resulting in the swelling and growth of healthy breast tissue.
1.Fenugreek is a digestive aid. As an emollient it is used in poultices for boils, cysts and other complaints. Reducing the sugar level of the blood, it is used in diabetes in conjunction with insulin.
2.It also lowers blood pressure.
1.Fenugreek relieves congestion, reduces inflammation and fights infection.
2.Fenugreek contains natural expectorant properties ideal for treating sinus and lung congestion, and loosens & removes excess mucus and phlegm.