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Feverfew (Pyrethrum parthenium) is a traditional medicinal herb which is found in many old gardens, and is also occasionally grown for ornament. The plant grows into a small bush up to around 46 cm (18 in) high, with citrus-scented leaves and is covered by flowers reminiscent of daisies. It spreads rapidly, and they will cover a wide area after a few years. Feverfew was native to Eurasia; specifically the Balkan Peninsula, Anatolia and the Caucasus, but cultivation has spread it around the world and it is now also found in Europe, the Mediterranean, North America and China.
Feverfew is a short perennial that blooms between July and October. This aromatic plant gives off a strong and bitter odor. Its yellow-green leaves are alternate (in other words the leaves grow on both sides of the stem at alternating levels), and turn downward with short hairs. The small, daisy-like yellow flowers are arranged in a dense flat-topped cluster.
1. Feverfew Extract has a strong antitumor activity
2. Feverfew Extract can help improve symptoms of fever or cold
3. Feverfew Extract can be used to relieve pain, dizziness and vomiting
4. Feverfew Extract can be used carminative, treatment of gastrointestinal inflation
1. Applied in food field,it is mainly used as food additives for nutrient.
2. Applied in cosmetics,it is mainly used to UV protection.
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