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Goldenseal Root Extract, often clustered into clusters, often curved, shaped like chicken feet, single branch rhizomes 3 ~ 6cm long, 0.3 ~ 0.8cm in diameter. Surface grayish yellow or tawny, coarse.
Clear heat and dampness, purge fire, and detoxify. Used for damp-heat rubenian, vomiting and swallowing acid, diarrhea, yellow anthrax, high fever god faint, hyperactive heart fire, upset, blood heat vomiting epistaxis, eye red, toothache, thirst, carbuncle sore treatment; External treatment of eczema, wet sores, ear canal discharge pus.
1) Resistance to indigenous microorganisms.
2) Depoisoning effect.
3) Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic.
4) Inhibit platelet aggregation.
Used in dietary supplements and healthcare products.
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