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Do you know these 5 Bebefits and 3 categories adaptation people of lycopene powder 20% HPLC/UV ?

Do you know these 5 Bebefits and 3 categories adaptation people of lycopene powder 20% HPLC/UV ?

Lycopene is a natural pigment found in plants. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature to date. It is found mainly in...

04.11.2022 04:11
Why is inulin supplement included in healthcare food?

Why is inulin supplement included in healthcare food?

Inulin is a kind of soluble dietary fiber, which is completely soluble in water. Inulin is found in a wide range of natural plants, mainly from...

03.11.2022 03:59
What else does hyaluronic acid besides skin care?

What else does hyaluronic acid besides skin care?

The essence of hyaluronic acid is an acidic adhesive polysaccharide, which belongs to the material in the body. It has its presence in many...

02.11.2022 08:16
What is the recent high -rise chondroitin sulfate?

What is the recent high -rise chondroitin sulfate?

Chondroitin sulfate is called "joint soft gold", and its health effect on joints, especially joint cartilage, has gradually become well known for...

01.11.2022 09:22
What is the use of adding echinacea extract to feed?

What is the use of adding echinacea extract to feed?

Adding Echinacea extract to feed can enhance the immunity of livestock and poultry, reduce the use of antibiotics, and improve the...

28.10.2022 04:16
Importance of L-Carnitine in Weight Loss

Importance of L-Carnitine in Weight Loss

Carnitine comes in two forms, the D and L forms, which are mirror images of each other in structure. But only L-carnitine is active in the body.

27.10.2022 06:11
Efficacy and role of boswellia serrata extract in skin care cosmetics

Efficacy and role of boswellia serrata extract in skin care cosmetics

In terms of skincare, boswellia serrata extract is very helpful for the skin. It has visibly conditioning properties that help restore elasticity...

26.10.2022 04:16
What are the health benefits of eating wolfberry?

What are the health benefits of eating wolfberry?

Some studies have shown that wolfberry extract - Lycium barbarum polysaccharide(LBP) has the functions of immune regulation...

25.10.2022 07:34
What is the nutritional value of mung bean protein powder?

What is the nutritional value of mung bean protein powder?

Mung bean protein powder is rich in nutrients. According to analysis, mung bean contains 19.5%~33% protein and 37.0%~53.2%...

24.10.2022 06:06
Medicinal benefits and application of chondroitin sulfate

Medicinal benefits and application of chondroitin sulfate

Chondroitin sulfate is a kind of sulfated glycosaminoglycan, which exists in human and animal connective tissues, mainly...

22.10.2022 04:25
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