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New Study: Forsythia Extract Helps Improve Bone Health

New Study: Forsythia Extract Helps Improve Bone Health

Forsythia is traditional herbal medicine. The main biologically active ingredient in Forsythia extract is hypericin, which has the functions of healing wounds, diuresis, relieving neuralgia, etc. It also has antiviral effects.

08.10.2022 05:56
Ginkgo biloba extract not only improves the brain, but also these benefits

Ginkgo biloba extract not only improves the brain, but also these benefits

Ginkgo biloba extract - Egb contains more than 30 kinds of ingredients including flavonoids, terpenes, organic acids, etc. The various components of Ginkgo biloba extract as a whole, play a complementary and synergistic role with each other and play a multi-valued pharmacological role.

30.09.2022 06:03
What are the effects of natural lycopene?

What are the effects of natural lycopene?

Lycopene is a natural compound found in bright red fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, watermelon, and grapefruit. Lycopene is a carotenoid that is the yellow, orange, or red pigment that imparts this color to its plants. Lycopene is associated with many health benefits, including disease prevention and protection.

30.09.2022 05:51
What are the effects of bilberry extract?

What are the effects of bilberry extract?

Bilberry is a small deciduous shrub that grows in the bushes of central Europe. Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments that are naturally found in many foods but are most abundant in dark fruits such as bilberry.

29.09.2022 09:28
Whitening effect of L-Glutathione Reduced

Whitening effect of L-Glutathione Reduced

The level of intracellular glutathione is altered and the concentration decreases under many conditions such as malnutrition, various diseases, chemical poisoning, and taking medicines. In animals and humans, L-glutathione reduced protects against cytotoxicity induced by many substances such as salicylic acid, organophosphorus pesticides, and alcohol.

28.09.2022 03:04
What benefits can L-arginine supplements bring?

What benefits can L-arginine supplements bring?

L-Arginine is an essential amino acid that exists in a variety of animal foods (meat, poultry, and fish). In addition to protein synthesis, L-arginine also participates in many physiological reactions and regulates physiological functions. It is an amino acid with various functions.

27.09.2022 03:54
What are the applications of chamomile extract in the skin care industry?

What are the applications of chamomile extract in the skin care industry?

Chamomile extract comes from the head-like twigs of chamomile, and mainly contains amino acids, flavonoids, vitamin B1, chrysanthemum lactones, and other active ingredients. The main effects of chamomile extract in skin care are anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antioxidant.

26.09.2022 04:20
What are the effects of ceramides on skin health?

What are the effects of ceramides on skin health?

Ceramides have been described as a complex family of lipids that, in addition to their roles in maintaining barrier homeostasis and water retention, are involved in cell signaling. Ceramides play key roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.

24.09.2022 06:29
Does eating bitter melon have any side effects on the body?

Does eating bitter melon have any side effects on the body?

From a nutritional point of view, bitter melon is indeed a good vegetable, which can provide more dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Among vegetables with similar practices, the vitamin C content of 56mg/100g is very prominent. Rich potassium content can also play a role in replenishing electrolytes after a lot of sweating.

23.09.2022 04:19
Chondroitin sulfate and its application value

Chondroitin sulfate and its application value

Natural chondroitin sulfate mainly comes from the cartilage tissue of pigs, cattle, chickens, and sharks. Due to different chemical structures, chondroitin sulfate has various subtypes. Different subtypes of chondroitin sulfate exist in different tissues in nature.

22.09.2022 07:00
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