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Glycyrrhizin: A popular whitening ingredient

Glycyrrhizin: A popular whitening ingredient

Glabridin, a rare substance extracted from licorice, is popular because it is widely recognized as a lightening ingredient and is widely used in skincare products such as creams and masks.

16.04.2022 06:07
The role of paeoniflorin in skincare and makeup product

The role of paeoniflorin in skincare and makeup product

With the continuous expansion of the beauty market, in addition to the core efficacy of beauty products, the safety of beauty products has also attracted more and more attention. It is not difficult to find that more and more products on the market are formulated with natural herbal extracts for safety. It is worth noting that in recent years, due to the update of research and development technology, the powerful medicinal and cosmetic effects of paeoniflorin have gradually been recognized, and have been more widely understood and applied in cosmetic products.

15.04.2022 06:04
Why does Chinese medicine think that Ligusticum chuanxiong hort is good, and what is the use for the human body?

Why does Chinese medicine think that Ligusticum chuanxiong hort is good, and what is the use for the human body?

Chuanxiong is a perennial herb, both cultivated. Chuanqiong is also known as blood-activating and stasis-removing medicine referred to as blood-activating medicine, stasis-removing medicine, or stasis-removing medicine. Among them, are those with strong blood-activating and stasis-removing effects.

14.04.2022 06:57
Turmeric extract, grown for health

Turmeric extract, grown for health

Turmeric extract is derived from the dried rhizome of the ginger plant Curcuma longa L. Contains volatile oil, the main components in the oil are turmeric, aromatic turmeric, gangrene, etc.; the yellow substance is curcumin.

13.04.2022 06:02
Berberine can also cure 7 kinds of skin diseases?

Berberine can also cure 7 kinds of skin diseases?

Berberine is commonly found in berberine hydrochloride tablets or capsules in drugstores. Berberine is an extract of Coptis Chinensis, which has the functions of detoxification and heat-clearing and has an obvious antipruritic effect, which can reduce inflammation and swelling, promote granulation growth, and wound repair.

07.04.2022 06:00
What are the benefits of taking Panax notoginseng? It's not too late to know now

What are the benefits of taking Panax notoginseng? It's not too late to know now

Panax notoginseng has always been recognized as having a significant effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling, and relieving pain. Because Panax notoginseng is safe and has no side effects, it is also widely used in the field of health preservation.

26.03.2022 04:21
If you have been suffering from sleep troubles for a long time, here comes the insomnia self-help guide

If you have been suffering from sleep troubles for a long time, here comes the insomnia self-help guide

Modern people have trouble sleeping due to stress, electronic products, and other reasons, and often suffer from insomnia. How to solve insomnia, please check this insomnia self-help guide.

22.03.2022 03:52
Online medical treatment promotes Managed Care, and future trends can be expected?

Online medical treatment promotes Managed Care, and future trends can be expected?

Managed Care is a concept first proposed in the United States in the late 1950s. Its core content is that medical insurance institutions can effectively control the occurrence or development of diseases through systematic health management of their medical insurance customers, and significantly reduce risks. Probability and actual medical expenses, thereby reducing the purpose of medical insurance compensation losses.

16.03.2022 04:09
People who like to eat these ten kinds of food are easy to live longer

People who like to eat these ten kinds of food are easy to live longer

Carrots are high in vitamin A and are extremely rich in carotene. Studies have shown that carrots can provide a variety of nutrients needed to fight heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis.

15.03.2022 06:44
How to develop eahlthy eating habits?

How to develop eahlthy eating habits?

Eating habits have a great impact on human health, and good eating habits are important measures to ensure health.

09.03.2022 08:34
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