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The application of glutathione, which is mainly used for

The application of glutathione, which is mainly used for

Glutathione has a broad-spectrum detoxification effect. It can be used not only for drugs but also as a base material for functional foods. It is widely used in functional foods such as anti-aging, enhancing immunity, and anti-tumor.

11.05.2022 06:23
Why is glutathione so important?

Why is glutathione so important?

Glutathione is a sulfhydryl-containing tripeptide bound by glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine, and has antioxidant and integrated detoxification effects. Glutathione can participate in biotransformation to convert harmful toxins in the body into harmless substances and excrete them out of the body. Glutathione also helps maintain normal immune system function.

11.05.2022 06:11
L-Carnitine - Helps burn fat and is indispensable for weight management

L-Carnitine - Helps burn fat and is indispensable for weight management

Carnitine is obtained from amino acids and can be found in almost all cells in the human body. Carnitine comes in two forms, the D and L forms, which are mirror images of each other in structure. But only L-carnitine is active in the body and is also the form that occurs in food.

10.05.2022 06:35
Skincare and anti-inflammatory ingredient - olive leaf extract

Skincare and anti-inflammatory ingredient - olive leaf extract

Believe that many people who are keen on skincare ingredients should have heard of this ingredient - olive leaf extract, but have not deeply understood its excellent effects on more levels. The latest research found that there are several groups of active molecules in olive leaf extract:

09.05.2022 06:14
The importance of healthy eating habits to the body

The importance of healthy eating habits to the body

Good and reasonable healthy eating habits are very important to human health. A healthy and reasonable diet can make the body grow and develop in a healthy way; poor eating habits can lead to normal physiological function disorders of the human body and even infections.

07.05.2022 08:29
Are Fenugreek Seeds Healthy for Diabetics?

Are Fenugreek Seeds Healthy for Diabetics?

Fenugreek seed extract can be used to treat a variety of ailments, including lower abdominal pain and kidney deficiency. Fenugreek seeds are rich in protein and vitamins, which can relieve menopausal syndrome, control diabetes, and promote breast development and milk production during pregnancy. It can also unclog the breast tissue, and it also has the effect of breast augmentation to increase the amount of latex.

29.04.2022 06:08
Efficacy and use of ajuga extract

Efficacy and use of ajuga extract

There are many kinds of ajuga, some with purple flowers and some with white flowers, no matter which kind of ajuga, its medicinal effect is similar. The fresh ajuga can be picked home and exposed to the sun to make ajuga or ajuga extract. Musculoskeletal herbs can be used directly to make soup to exert their medicinal effect.

28.04.2022 06:08
The use of plant extracts in the field of food preservatives

The use of plant extracts in the field of food preservatives

At present, food preservatives are mostly synthetic chemical agents, such as benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, potassium sorbate, calcium propionate, etc. Although they will not cause harm to the human body as long as the dosage is appropriate, they have no health benefits themselves.

27.04.2022 06:08
What are the innovative anti-aging ingredients from nature?

What are the innovative anti-aging ingredients from nature?

In nature, natural anti-aging ingredients generally include VC, VE, polyphenols, rosemary extract, etc. Vitamin C has antioxidant, anti-free radicals and inhibits the formation of tyrosinase, so as to achieve the effect of whitening and lightening spots. Vitamin C in food is mainly found in fresh vegetables and fruits and cannot be synthesized by the human body. Jujube, orange, hawthorn, lemon, kiwi orange, etc. are rich in vitamin C.

26.04.2022 06:28
The edible value and medicinal value of purple potato

The edible value and medicinal value of purple potato

Purple potato, also known as black potato, has purple to dark purple flesh. In addition to the nutrients of ordinary sweet potatoes, it is also rich in selenium and anthocyanins. Purple potato is one of the main raw materials of anthocyanin.

25.04.2022 05:53
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