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Health information

Online medical treatment promotes Managed Care, and future trends can be expected?

Online medical treatment promotes Managed Care, and future trends can be expected?

Managed Care is a concept first proposed in the United States in the late 1950s. Its core content is that medical insurance institutions can effectively control the occurrence or development of diseases through systematic health management of their medical insurance customers, and significantly reduce risks. Probability and actual medical expenses, thereby reducing the purpose of medical insurance compensation losses.

16.03.2022 04:09
People who like to eat these ten kinds of food are easy to live longer

People who like to eat these ten kinds of food are easy to live longer

Carrots are high in vitamin A and are extremely rich in carotene. Studies have shown that carrots can provide a variety of nutrients needed to fight heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis.

15.03.2022 06:44
How to develop eahlthy eating habits?

How to develop eahlthy eating habits?

Eating habits have a great impact on human health, and good eating habits are important measures to ensure health.

09.03.2022 08:34
On Women's Day, loving health is loving yourself!

On Women's Day, loving health is loving yourself!

On the occasion of International Women's Day, let's take care of women's health together!

08.03.2022 06:14
5 common vitamins to supplement like this

5 common vitamins to supplement like this

Vitamins are one of the five major nutrients needed by the human body, which can maintain the normal physiological functions of the human body. They can be divided into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble. At present, there are 14 kinds of vitamins recognized in the world, including vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B9, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and so on.

07.03.2022 13:23
Can vitamins be taken long-term?

Can vitamins be taken long-term?

Vitamin is an organic compound necessary for the human body, and it is a trace amount of small molecule compound. Unlike proteins and fats, vitamins are neither active substances that constitute the body and life, nor can they provide heat to the body, but without vitamins, the body's composition and energy output will be abnormal.

04.03.2022 07:32
What changes will you bring to your body if you insist on taking a vitamin E every night before going to bed?

What changes will you bring to your body if you insist on taking a vitamin E every night before going to bed?

Vitamins are essential nutrients for human growth, development and metabolism. Among them, vitamin E has many uses in life. It can not only be taken, but also can be applied to the face to improve skin problems, which is favored by most women. So, what are the benefits of taking one tablet of vitamin E a day?

04.03.2022 07:23
Can amino acid injections improve immunity? It's not suitable for healthy people

Can amino acid injections improve immunity? It's not suitable for healthy people

For people who are severely malnourished and cannot eat normally for a long time due to various reasons, doctors can infuse nutrients including amino acids to supplement or maintain nutrition after evaluating the condition, so as to maintain physiological functions including immunity. For people who have no nutritional problems, they do not need it. Injection of amino acids will not improve immunity, but may increase the nutritional burden, and may also cause adverse reactions such as infusion reactions.

04.03.2022 06:13
What are the consequences of consuming too much protein?

What are the consequences of consuming too much protein?

Protein is the material basis of all life; and the manifestation of all life is essentially the embodiment of protein function. It can be said that there is no life without protein! As one of the essential nutrients for humans, protein plays an important role in maintaining the stability of muscles, bones and nerves, enhancing immune system function and promoting metabolism.

03.03.2022 04:19
What you probably don't know about protein intake

What you probably don't know about protein intake

It is important to pay attention to your protein intake when planning your menu. If you eat at least 20 grams of protein with each meal, you'll meet your RDA. In addition to eating more protein at breakfast and lunch, it's a good idea to review your daily diet and look for ways to eat a more balanced and varied diet. Meat, fish, eggs, dairy and soy products are all good sources of protein.

02.03.2022 07:13
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