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Artichoke can be used to treat digestive upset, poor liver function, and a range of other ailments. Its primary use has been as a choleretic--a substance that strengthens liver function by increasing bile production, it has a centuries-old reputation as a diuretic (to increase urination). In addition,
it can lower cholesterol and thus helps to prevent heart disease. Artichoke can also help to ease upset stomach symptoms such as nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, and vomiting.
1.Artichoke extract is also reputed to relieve flatulence.
2.Has the function of treating digestive upset, poor liver function, and arange of other ailments.
3.Help to ease upset stomach symptoms such as nausea, loating,abdominal pain, and vomiting.
4.Can be used as a choleretica substance, strengthen liver function byincreasing bile production,
also as a centuries-old reputation as a diuretic
drinks, food, healthcare
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