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Walnuts are believed to have oringinated in Persia or France where petrified shells of roasted walnuts have been discovered dating back 8,000 years from the Neolithic period. Walnuts were considered food for the goods in ancient Rome and named Juglans regia(Jupiter's royal acorn) in honor of Jupier. Juglans is derived from Jovis glans.meaning Jupiter's acom, and regia meaning royal.
1) Prevent atherosclerosis
2) Lower cholesterol levels and treat gall-stone and urinary stone
3) Treat dermatitis and eczema
4) Anti-oxidation and anti-aging, skin nourishing
5) Improve the acuity of vision and blacken the hair, strengthening feet and waist power
6) Have the effect on women's physical recovery
1) Applied in Pharmaceutical Industry
2) Application of medical capsules
3) Application for Sweet tea effervescent tablets
4) Application for Personal care nutrition products
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