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Brassaiopsis glomerulata is a tree of the genus brassaiopsis glomerulata, araliaceae, bark grayish brown, Shrubs or trees, 3-20 m tall, grayish brown bark, upper branches spiny, new branches reddish rust-colored tomentose. Leaves with leaflets 5-9; Petiole to 70 cm long, glabrous or with residual reddish rust-colored tomentose on upper end; Leaves papery or thinly leathery, elliptic to broadly lanceolate, or ovate-oblong, 15-35 cm long and 6-15 cm wide, apex acuminate, base usually cuneate, thinly cuneate to rounded, both surfaces sparsely red rusty stellate tomentose when young, hairs soon glabrescent, margin entire or sparsely serrulate, lateral veins 7-9(-12) to pair, conspicuous, Network veins are not obvious; Petiole 3 - 9 cm long.
1) Phlegm and asthma.
2) Digestion diuresis.
3) Main asthma.
4) Malnutrition in children.
5) Edema.
6)Pouring muddy.
1) Applied in the food field.
2) Applied in the cosmetics field.
3) Applied in the health products field.
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