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Evodia extract is a mild, yet remarkable stimulant that has shown positive energy and diuretic characteristics. Even more exciting is its unique ability to significantly elevate the production of body heat and increase resting core temperature.
Evodia is also used as a painkiller. It is a remedy for headaches, especially headaches associated with nausea and vomiting. Traditional Chinese herbalists also use it to treat pain in the upper abdomen and pain associated with abdominal ernias. Evodia P.E. also has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, astringent, and diuretic properties. Studies show that extracts of evodia fruit strongly inhibit the growth of one specific bacteria (Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria usually treated in mainstream medicine with antibiotics).
1) Evodia extract is used to treat symptoms of abdominal distress. These include nausea, vomi-ting, and diarrhea. It is said to be especially effective in treating morning diarrhea.
2) Evodia is used to stimulate the appetite and to treat abdominal symptoms associated with lack of interest in food.
3) Evodia extract also has anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-viral, astringent, and diuretic prope-rties.
4) Evodiamine with analgesia, lowering blood pressure and body temperature rise and other pharmacological effects.
5) Evodiamine has stomachic, stop retching, oxyrygmia effect anddiuretic effect.
6) Evodiamine has a strong inhibitory effect on E.coli; and a significant insecticidal effect on asca-rissuum.
7) Evodiamine also can shrink the uterus and boost the pressure.
8) Besides, evodiamine also has a good effect on Alzheimer's disease and stroke.
1) Pharmaceutical products.
2) Healthcare products.
3) Food & beverages.
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