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Flax seed extracts are flax seed extracts, the main components of which are lignin, linseed oil, flax gum and so on. In the gut, the lignin is converted into a compound of the same structure as the natural estrogen secreted by the body.
Flax seeds, in addition to rich in oil and protein, but also contains a high dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins A, B, D, E and phenolic acids, flavonoids, phytic acid, lecithin and other nutrients.
1. Decreasing Blood lipids, Cholesterin and Triglyceride.
2. Prevent Apoplexy and Hypertension.
3. Prevent Blood clots and Arteriosclerosis.
4. Prevent Arrhythmia.
1. As raw material of the ingredients in cosmetics, flaxseed extract is mainly used in cosmetic industry.
2. As raw materials of products for anti-cancer, anti-tumor, flaxseed extract is mainly used in pharmaceutical field.
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