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Pumpkin seeds have many health benefits, being a particular nutrient-dense food, some of which include a good source of protein, phytosterols, fiber, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorous, selenium, folate, niacin, and other vitamins and amino acids such as tryptophan, arginine and glutamic acid.
One gram of pumpkin seed protein contains as much tryptophan as a full glass of milk. The seeds are said to lower cholesterol. The seeds contain linolenic acid, a nutrient believed to help prevent hardening of the arteries. Eating a ground-up mixture of the seeds--or simply snacking on a small handful of seeds once or twice a day--can calm the irritated and overactive bladder occasionally associated with bedwetting.
Pumpkin Seed Extract 5:1 (2) Ratio Extract: 4:1, 10:1, 20:1 etc (TLC))
Pumpkin Seed Extract 5:1 (1) Straight Powder (Normal & Organic))
Pumpkin Seed Extract 5:1 (3) Standard Extract: 10%-50% Fatty Acid 60%-75% Protein (HPLC&GC))
Pumpkin Seed Extract 5:1 (3) Standard Extract: 10%-50% Fatty Acid 60%-75% Protein (HPLC&GC))
1) Improve bowel function by ridding the intestina l tract of parasites and worms such as tapeworm, roundworm, schistosome, hookworm.
2) A natural source of magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, and vitaminC.
3) Treatment of postpartum edema.
4) Treatment of postpartum milk less.
1) Treating malnutrition, pale complexion, and hemorrhoids.
2) Protect and treat the prostate and prostatic hyperplasia of male.
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