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Tinospora Sagittata (Oliv.) Gagnep.) is a herbaceous liana plant of the genus Aranthaceae and The genus Aranthaceae. It has beadlike root tubers, and the enlarged part is often irregular spherical and yellow. Branches slender, striate, leaves papery to thinly leathery, leaf blade lanceolate arrowed or sometimes lanceolate halberd, rarely ovate or elliptic arrowed, veins bristly short, palmately veins with reticulate veins convex below; Petiole striate, inflorescences axillary, constant or multiple clusters, cymes or branched panicles sparsely flowered, bracteoles appressed against calyx; Sepals often unequal, outermost small, often ovate or lanceolate, petals fleshy, often clawing, petals suborbicular or broadly obovate, stamens subequal to petals or slightly longer; Female sepals similar to male flowers; Petals wedge.
1. Immunity Booster
2. Good in Hey fever and Chronic fevers
3. Good in Jaundice and Hepatitis
4. Anti Tumor
5. Anti Swine flu / Anti Dengue / Anti Chickenguniya
6. Lowers Blood Sugar (anti Diabetes)
1. As the raw materials of drugs, it is mainly used in pharmaceutical field
2. As active ingredients of health products, it is mainly used in healthproduct industry
3. As pharmaceutical raw materials
4. Medicine and health products, beverage and food additives
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