Kola Nut Extract
  • Kola Nut Extract
  • Kola Nut Extract
  • Kola Nut Extract

Kola Nut Extract

Third Party Testing Report
  • Brand: JHD Corp
Ship From Warehouse In Stock Lead Time
China Inventory MOQ: 1kg
US/CA/EU Inventory MOQ: 25KG

Kola Nut is also known as Cola Nut and Cola. Kola Nut is the seed kernel of a large African tree grown commercially around the world. It is extremely popular in the tropics as a caffeine-containing stimulant. The properties of Kola are the same as caffeine, modified only by the astringents present.

Kola Nut Extract is a natural supplement from the seeds of the tree Kola vera, also known as Cola nitida and Cola acuminate. The Kola vera tree is a member of the Sterculiaceae family of evergreens, which grow in Africa and South America and can reach 60 feet tall. 


1) Kola nut extract can act as a specific for nervous diarrhea. It will also aid in states of depression and may, in some people, give rise to euphoric states. Because of its content, Kola nut may relieve some migraine headaches.
2) Historical uses of Kola Nut include increasing the capacity for physical exertion, enduring fatigue without food, stimulating a weak heart, and treating nervous debility, weakness, lack of emotion, nervous diarrhea, depression, despondency, brooding, anxiety, and sea sickness.


1) Applied in the food field.
2) Applied in the health product field.
3) Applied in the Pharmaceutical field.

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