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Mallow (scientific name: Malva sinensis Cavan.): Two-year-old or perennial erect herb, 50-90 cm high, with many branches and sparse coarse hairs. The leaves are heart-shaped or kidney-shaped, with 5-7 crenelated blunt lobes, both sides are glabrous or only sparsely short and rough hairy on the veins. Flowers 3-11 clusters, small bracteoles 3, oblong sparsely pilose; flowers purplish red or white, 3.5-4 cm in diameter, 5 petals, spoon-shaped, 2 cm long, slightly absent apex, claws with bearded hairs. Fruit oblate, lobules 9-11, kidney-shaped, pilose; seeds dark-brown, kidney-shaped, 2 mm long. Flowering from May to October.
1) Mallow flowers can clear away heat and dampness.
2) Mallow flowers can regulate breath and laxatives.
1) The Food & Beverage Industry.
2) The nutraceutical field.
3) The cosmetic industry.
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