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Soy Isoflavones belong to a class of plant-based compounds known as phytoestrogens, so-called because they are similar in chemical structure and function to the female sex hormone estrogen. Soy Isoflavones occur naturally in soybeans and can be found in several soy-based foods such as miso, soy sauce, tofu, edamame, soy milk, and soy butter. Researchers have found that these compounds have some medicinal properties, particularly for women, and continue to study Soy Isoflavones for other health benefits.
Soybean Extract Soy Isoflavone Powder has many uses and was not originally used as a food product but for paper coatings used as a pigment binder. Today, soy is used in many foods and other products as well.
1) Natural antioxidants.
2) Lowers bad cholesterol.
3) Reduces symptoms of menopause.
4) Guards against prostrate complications.
5) Enhances bone health.
1) Applied in the food field, it is added into kinds of beverages, liquor, and foods as a functional food additive.
2) Applied in the health product field, it is widely added into various kinds of health products to prevent chronic diseases or relieve symptoms of climacteric syndrome.
3) Applied in the cosmetics field, it is widely added into cosmetics with the function of delaying aging and compacting skin, thus making the skin much smooth and more delicate.
4) Owning estrogenic effect and relieving symptoms of climacteric syndrome.
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