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Bilberry Extract is a natural plant extract extracted from the fruit of Vaccinium myrtillus. Bilberry is a berry rich in antioxidants, the main components of which include anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and other plant compounds. Bilberry Extract is a versatile natural ingredient that has attracted widespread attention for its rich nutritional content and health benefits. It shows good application prospects in the fields of health products, food, and cosmetics.
Product Name
Blueberry Extract Powder
Latin Name
Vaccinium myrtillus
Purple-red fine powder
Active Ingredient
25% Anthocyanidins
ISO & Kosher, Halal, Organic
1. Antioxidant
2. Improve vision
3. Cardiovascular health
4. Anti-inflammatory
5. Blood sugar regulation
1. Health products
2. Food industry
3. Cosmetics
4. Drug development
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