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Pueraria has been known for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine as ge-gen. The first written mention of the plant as a medicine is in the ancient herbal text of Shen Nong (about A.D.100). In traditional Chinese medicine, pueraria is used in prescriptions for the treatment of thirst, headache, and stiff neck with pain due to high blood pressure. Puerarin is also recommended for allergies, migraine headaches, inadequate measles eruptions in children, and diarrhea. Puerarin is also used in modern Chinese medicine as a treatment for angina pectoris.
1) Dilating blood vessels, increasing coronary blood flow, antithrombotic effect, inhibiting platelet aggregation, reducing blood viscosity, and promoting blood micro-cycle.
2) Reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, strengthening myocardial contraction force, and protecting myocardial cells.
3) Enhancing immunity and inhibiting cancer cells.
4) Have an excellent therapeutic effect on osteoporosis.
1) Applied in the food field, puraria isoflavones can be used in foods and health products.
2) Applied in cosmetics, it is frequently used in breast, eye, and skin cream.