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Catnip is an herb in the mint family that is well-known for its effects on most felines. It contains a substance called nepetalactone that causes reactions ranging from sniffing, rubbing, and licking to getting exuberant and even somewhat aggressive.
1) It can increase the speed of blood circulation, and increase the sweet secret, it also has a little function of reliving heat.
2) It can restrain the bacillus diphtheriae and the bacillus dysenteriae.
3) It can restrain the bacillus typhi, the pseudomonas aeruginous, and the Much's bacillus which have been in a certain form.
4) It also has the obvious function of the inflation caused by the acid.
5) Clear heat, cure headache and cold.
1) Applied in the food field.
2) Applied in the pharmaceutical field.
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