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Acacia Gum, also known as Gum arabic, chaar gund, char goond, or meska, is a natural gum made of hardened sap taken from two species of the acacia tree; Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal. The gum is harvested commercially from wild trees throughout the Sahel from Senegal and Sudan to Somalia, although it has been historically cultivated in Arabia and West Asia. Gum arabic, a complex mixture of polysaccharides and glycoproteins, is used primarily in the food industry as a stabilizer. It is edible and has E number E414. Gum arabic is a key ingredient in traditional lithography and is used in printing, paint production, glue, cosmetics and various industrial applications, including viscosity control in inks and in textile industries, although less expensive materials compete with it for many of these roles. While gum arabic is now produced mostly throughout the African Sahel, it is still harvested and used in the Middle East.
1) This product can be widely used in pharmaceutical, printing, pencil, graphite, grinding wheel powder, ceramics, ink.
2) It can be used in printing and dyeing, fireworks, batteries, art paints, metallurgy, magnetic materials, spices, beverage industry, light industry and so on.
1) It is mainly used as thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, coating agent glaze.
2) GA is still applied in some of these diseases, especially the coughs.
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