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Andrographis paniculatais is a herbaceous plant in the family Acanthaceae, native to China, India, and Sri Lanka. It is widely cultivated in southern Asia, where it is used to treat infections and some diseases, often being used before antibiotics were created. Mostly the leaves and roots were used for medicinal purposes.
Andrographis paniculata is an erect annual herb extremely bitter in taste in each and every part of the plant body. It grows erect to 30-110 cm in moist shady places with glabrous leaves and white flowers with rose-purple spots on the petals. Flowers are small, and solitary in panicles. The fruit is approximately 2 cm long. Seeds are numerous, and yellow-brown in color. In many languages, it is named "king of bitters", or "bitter of the earth" The genus Andrographis consists of 28 species of small annual shrubs essentially distributed in tropical Asia. Only a few species are medicinal, of which A. paniculata is the most popular. It has many common names for different languages.
1) It exhibits antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity against liver damage.
2) It accelerates intestinal digestion and absorption of carbohydrates by activating the brush border membrane-bound hydrolyses of the small intestine.
3) It induces significant stimulation of the antibody production and delayed hypersensitivity responses.
4) It may inhibit HIV-induced cell cycle dysregulation, leading to a rise in HIV-1-infected individuals.
5) It shows cytotoxic activity against cancer cells.
1) Promote digestion.
2) Protect the liver and gall bladder, kill intestinal worms, and support intestines.
3) Protect skin from pimples, release pain, reduce swelling, and cut down exudation from capillaries.
4) Fight bacterial activity, and reduce diarrhea and symptoms raised from bacterial infections.
5) Promote mucus discharge from the respiratory system.
6) Reduce blood sugar.
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