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Cabbage comes from the Mediterranean region of Europe and is one of the most important vegetables for westerners. It belongs to the cruciferous family. Cabbage is quite rich in nutrition, containing a lot of vitamin C, cellulose, carbohydrates and various minerals, in addition to cabbage also contains vitamin U, vitamin U is an anti-ulcer factor, and has the role of the decomposition of nitrite amine.
1) The health benefits of cabbage include anti-radiation, anti-inflammation,
2) Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, and treatment of constipation,
3) Stomach ulcers, headache, excess weigh disorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy.
4) Arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart disease, ageingt, skin.
1) Applied in foods field.
2) Applied in beverages field.
3) Applied in cosmetics field.
4) Applied in health products field.
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