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Bamboo leaves extract Caulis Bambusae flavonoids Bamboo leaf has a long history of food and medical application in China, and has recently been listed by Ministry of Health PRC into the list of natural plants with dual-purposes as food and drug. According to the related research work, effective ingredients of bamboo leaf extract include flavone, phenolic acid, lactone, polyose, amino acid, microelements, etc, with enhanced effects of anti-radical and blood vessel disease, protecting liver, expansion of blood capillary, smoothing microcirculation, improving retentive faculty, improving sleep quality, anti-cancer and skin beautifcation. In the Second International Natural Antioxidant Meeting supported jointly by seven specilized institutions including UNESCO, International Free Radical Research Association, China Free Radical Biology and Medicine Association and others, many experts claimed their findings of positive impacts raised by this exact against the toxicity toward bone marrow caused by anticancer drugs, on microcirculation and blood platelet functions of coronary heart disease sufferers, and on the blooding of cardiac muscle.
1. Strengthen the immune system, anti-fatigue.
2. Can increase the meat's safety, improve it's color and keep the water.
3. Used in the beverage as the favor, anti-oxidant, sweetener and color.
4. Has the effect of anti-bacteria. anti-virus, deodorization and increasing tis aroma.
5. Can protects the blood vessel of brain and heart, adjust blood lipid, low the blood viscidity.
1. As multifunctional food additives;
2. As medicines intermediates;
3. As health products & dietary supplements;
4. As green feed additive;
5. As beer special additives;
6. As top skin care effects.
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