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Guar gum is also known as Gur gum or guanidine gum.
Guar Gum Powder is made by cleaning, drying, and crushing the endosperm of Guar seeds after peeling and germinating, adding water, hydrolyzing under pressure, precipitating with 20% ethanol, centrifuging, drying, and crushing.
Commercial glue is generally white to light yellow-brown free-flowing powder, close to no smell, and no other odor, generally containing 75% to 85% polysaccharide, 5% to 6% protein, 2% to 3% fiber, and 1% ash.
1. Thickener
2. Stabilizer
3. Emulsifier
4. Humectant
5. Fiber supplement
1. Food industry
2. Pharmaceutical industry
3. Cosmetics and personal care products
4. Industrial applications
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