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Xanthium strumarium (rough
cocklebur, clotbur, common cocklebur, large cocklebur, woolgarie bur) is a
species of annual plants of the family Asteraceae. Some sources claim it
originates in southern Europe and Asia, but has been extensively naturalized
1. The herb can be used in combination with ledebouriella root, dahurian angelica root and other drugs to treat wind-cold type of common cold, headache and nasal obstruction; and with magnolia flower, peppermint, dahurian angelica root and other herbs to treat headache with rhinorrhea of turbid discharge and nasal obstruction without smelling.
1. To treat arthralgia due to wind-dampness and pain in the limbs and joints, the herb is often usedin combination with herbs for removing wind-dampness. In addition, the herb can also be used to treat itching from Germen measles, sarcoptidosis, tinea and leprosy.
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