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Product Description
Valerian grassland is native to parts of Asia and Europe, and is cultivated in North America. The stems and leaves are eaten by the larvae of some lepidopteran species (butterflies and moths). The rhizome and root of valerian herb are used for medicinal purposes, such as driving wind, relieving spasmodic and treating injuries caused by falling. Can also be used as a dietary supplement. Valerian is soaked, ground, dehydrated and placed in convenient packages such as capsules, which have calming and anti-anxiety properties. Valerian was used to make spices in the 16th century
(1)Antidepressant function.
(2)sedation, sleep, anticonvulsive effect.
(3)Antibacterial, antiviral and anti-tumor effects.
(1)Health care field
(2)Food field
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